Core10 Insights

Choose a partner who can demonstrate a proven methodology

Written by Tatum Utley | Aug 29, 2019 2:19:06 PM

It is imperative that the firm you outsource your software development work to is able to articulate their methodology.

Key questions they should be able to answer are:

  • How is the project kicked off?
  • What is the process for planning sprints?
  • How are costs and time estimated?
  • How does quality factor into development?
  • How are issues raised and mitigated?
  • How will they communicate critical items such as milestone progress and budget spent?

If the partner you are looking to get a bid from cannot answer these basic questions, they are likely ill-prepared for success.

Additionally, it is vital that your partner has a strategy around development operations. For example, there should be parameters in place for code quality, branching, and deployments. The prospective partner should also have flexibility and expertise in a variety of tools, from DevOps to project management. Flexibility is essential to ensure they are comfortable using tools within your existing system and frameworks. Knowledge is crucial so they can make educated recommendations for wise tool choices in the case of uncertainty.

When prepared, an outsourcing firm is able to answer all these questions quickly. For example, at Core10 every employee is trained in the Core10 Way™, which addresses these items and much more.


To learn more about effective ways to de-risk your fintech outsourcing, please read our white paper.

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