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Get to Know Core10: Angelo Diamante

Meet Angelo Diamante, one of our exceptional Software Engineer 3 at Core10, whose dedication to delivering best-of-breed solutions has become a cornerstone of our success. With almost two years under his belt, Angelo's journey with Core10 has been nothing short of exceptional.

“Angelo is a remarkable software engineer who consistently delivers high-quality solutions to complex problems. He has a keen eye for detail and a strong sense of responsibility. He is always willing to collaborate with his colleagues and share his expertise. Angelo is a valuable asset to any team and a pleasure to work with.”

Mitch Miller, Director of Engineering

We’re excited for you to get to know Angelo and what makes him a standout Software Engineer!


What is your role at Core10? 

Software Engineer 3


How long have you been with Core10? 

I have been with Core10 for almost 2 years.


How did you hear about Core10?

I was referred to by a friend who was inquired by a recruiter.


What did you do before joining the team?  

I was a Software Engineer 1 for an aeronautical research facility.


Where did you go to school? 

I attended Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi and studied Systems Programming.


What is your favorite project you have worked on at Core10? 

For Accrue, I was able to design and implement projects that attempted to save time either by automating with UI or reorganizing for maintainability.


Tell us about your life outside of Core10… Family life? Pets? Hobbies? 

I program for fun or play video games. Recently, I finished an Android game automation app, and I am moving on to a game project with some friends.


What is something other people find most surprising to learn about you? 

That I don’t drink may surprise some people.


Where do you live and what is your favorite part(s) about the place you call home?

I live in Corpus Christi. It’s not too big and it’s not too small. Plus, the traffic is not too bad!


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Get to Know Core10: Angelo Diamante

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