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Get to Know Core10: Sarita Viswanadham

“Success Comes in Cans” is one of our core values at Core10. When we think of team members who live out this value, one team member, in particular, comes to mind. 

Meet Sarita Viswanadham, a Senior Software Engineer based out of Nashville, TN. Sarita is approaching 1.5 years with us– becoming a trusted and self-reliant team member along the way. 

Here it best from Tony Nigrelli, VP of Customer Experience. 

“Sarita has been on a very challenging project by herself for the last 9 months.  She ramped up very quickly and became a subject matter expert in her area of application.  The client has asked her to train others, extended her contract, and negotiated a longer off-boarding notice because she has become so valuable.  Additionally, Sarita has remained plugged into Core10 and has shown excellent wisdom in how and what she communicates back to Core10 about the project."

This month take some time to learn about Sarita's love for math, extensive educational background, and her life outside of Core10. 


How did you hear about Core10?

I learned about Core10 through a staffing agency.

Why did you choose to work at Core10?

My interview experience was positive. The panel came across as a knowledgeable, helpful, and smart bunch of people that I would enjoy working with.


What did you do before joining the team?

I was a Sr. Software Engineer with an auto insurance company based out of Franklin, TN.


Where did you go to school?

I attended school at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville.


What did you study?

I received a MS in Computer Science.


What got you interested in a career in software development?

My love for math got me interested in computers as a teenager. In high school, I decided to obtain a Bachelor of Computer Science degree. I really enjoyed working right after graduation in an IT Infrastructure support role for GE. Then I decided to pursue a master’s degree simply out of curiosity to dig deeper into CS and software engineering concepts and to get an edge over fellow professionals as this can be a highly competitive and challenging area of work.


What is your favorite project you have worked on at Core10?

My current project - Trellis Connect. I am part of a team that is building a proprietary software that allows consumers to digitally share their insurance information in order to instantly review a side-by-side comparison of prospective quotes against their existing rate and coverage.


Tell us about your life outside of Core10... Family life? Pets? Hobbies?

I have a soon to be 11 year old (Christmas baby)!  I enjoy doing outdoor activities with my son. My other hobbies include reading, watching movies, and cooking (this is not particularly a hobby, but one of the daily chores that I enjoy).


How do you give back to the community?

I usually volunteer for any NGO that I come across and have time for. My last volunteering experience was for Habitat for Humanity. I got to become a construction worker for a day and really enjoyed the experience of puttying some brand-new homes and meeting some lovely people.


What is something other people find most surprising to learn about you?

My proficiency in English although I grew up in India surprises others. 


What is your favorite thing about Nashville?

Nashville’s weather, esp. Summers with those big beautiful magnolias everywhere is what got me to fall in love with this city on my first visit.

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