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More Than a Flyover: Recognizing Potential in Overlooked Places

Written by Tatum Utley, Core10 Manager of Operations

Have you ever heard something and just known it was going to stick with you for years to come? 

When I was a child, my family went to camp one summer, and of all the wonderful memories, there was one story shared around the campfire that stuck out to me and continues to have an impact to this day. 

“The Touch of the Master’s Hand” is a poem about an old battered violin that’s up for auction. At first the auctioneer can hardly get people to bid more than $2 for it. Then “a grey-haired man came forward” and demonstrated just how magnificent the instrument could still be played. After he finished, the auctioneer sold the violin for $3,000. 

As the poem continues, it explains how the violin’s worth changed based on the perceived value after the touch of a master’s hand. I’ve carried this lesson through life and seen how often places and people are simply overlooked because the opportunity to see their true worth has not presented itself. 

At Core10, we believe talent is evenly distributed, but opportunity to grow and demonstrate one’s talents is disproportionately distributed. While this statement is true across all fields, our goal is to help alleviate its effects in the software development industry. 

The people of West Virginia and rural Tennessee are highly educated, driven, and seeking opportunities to grow in their chosen fields. As a result, we’ve chosen to establish Hereshore® centers in Huntington, WV, and Martin, TN, to grow our company and enable our employees to thrive in the communities they call home. 

We chose Huntington and Martin for a number of similar reasons. 

First, they each have strong universities that anchor their communities. These schools each have remarkable computer science departments that produce graduates who are seeking to grow in their development careers and are great fits at Core10. 

Second, these are communities that have leaders who are seeking to innovate and diversify their economic opportunities. As more diverse companies enter the area, there are more possibilities for graduates to stay and engage with the local community after college. 

Third, as important as thriving businesses are to local economies, so are high-paying jobs and all the economic benefits that follow. As a result, by establishing our Hereshore offices in communities with lower costs of living, we are keeping jobs here in the States while serving our customers through the skills of talented developers who love where they live. 

Just as an instrument’s worth can increase when the audience has the opportunity to hear the sound emitted as intended, so does the value of hiring talented, eager, hard-working individuals in the communities they already call home. Whether you’re looking to hire remotely or start a new office in a flyover state, let us be the first to assure you, it will be a great decision! Through your commitment to these communities, you’ll see just how great a return you can receive. 

Are you looking for a role that will grow your software development or implementations career? Core10 is hiring in Tennessee and West Virginia. As we’ve transitioned to working from home full-time for this season, please reach out even if you’re a couple hours away from one of our offices — we’d love to share more about how we’re innovating our remote opportunities. 

Lee will be sharing more about the value of Hereshore talent at TEDx Marshall on April 2, so we encourage you to join us. More details can be found at https://www.tedxmarshallu.com/.

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