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Industry news and know-how.

What is blockchain, and why should you care?

The topic of blockchain has probably come up in conversation more than once over the past several months. You might be wondering why blockchain is exploding in fintech right now. What does it mean ...

Are Open Banking APIs Worthwhile?

Change isn’t exactly unfamiliar territory for most community banks. If any institution is used to weathering change (housing crisis of 2009, anyone?), it’s banks. Then banks experienced the impacts ...

Your 2022 Fintech To-Do List

Seismic changes in community banking have happened over the past couple of years. It doesn’t seem to be slowing down, either. We don’t have a crystal ball or mind-reading skills, but we do know ...

API Management, Banking IPaaS, and your Digital Ecosystem

Consumers expect secure financial transactions on their terms. Driven by a relentless pursuit of customer-centric products and services, and built on APIs, Open Banking is quickly becoming the global ...

The Benefits of Digital Lending for Community Banks

Instant gratification. You were maybe taught it was an unreasonable expectation. “Good things come to those who wait.” Or at least, they used to. But if you’re a community bank you might feel like ...

4 Digital Risk Factors Facing Community FIs (And How to Mitigate Them)

Your community bank may lack the time, staff, and resources to battle the risks that come with digital banking. But don’t count yourself out yet. When we say “tech,” perhaps your mind doesn’t ...
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