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Industry news and know-how.

Build vs. Buy: Get Clear About Your Options for Your Bank Tech Stack

Technology is a huge driver of change, and its influence on banking is no exception. According to Forbes Advisor, 78% of Americans prefer to bank digitally. Banks are under pressure like never before ...

Why Your Bank Needs to Own Its Tech Stack

In 2021, nonbanks owned 63.9% of the market share of average home loans. Nonbanks! And this was an increase from the previous year’s 60.7% market share. As a bank professional, you might have a ...

Recession-proof your IT budget

Speaking to the Enterprisers Project in 2018, Rose Manjarres, SVP of Digital & Technology for CBRE said that the 65%–85% of the jobs that will be available in 2030 haven’t been invented yet. ...

5 Ways to Avoid Technical Debt in Fintech

Last summer, my son told me that he wanted to start a frozen lemonade stand in our neighborhood. As any mom of a young entrepreneur would, I entertained the idea and asked what he had in mind. “I’ve ...

Get to Know Core10: Alison Brandt

What can the virtual pet website, Neopets, teach us about software engineering? For Alison Brandt, a Core10 Senior Software Engineer, creating text-adventure games with the use of decision trees ...

How Mid-Size Banks Are Benefiting From Core Integrations With Salesforce

Salesforce is a powerful tool for the financial industry, especially for mid-size banks that strive to compete with larger institutions. With core banking integrations, banks can create a seamless ...