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Industry news and know-how.

The Power of Pure Web Components

Article written by Elizabeth Sanger. For those with even peripheral exposure to the language of web development, the term “web component” likely has some resonance. The modern web is increasingly ...

Partnerships in Hereshore® Communities

Hereshore® is Core10’s way to describe our unique model of developing software exclusively in the US, utilizing technology talent based in America's heartland. It allows us to maintain high-quality ...

$4M Grant to High Tech Apprenticeship Programs in West Virginia

“We don’t want to offshore, we want to hereshore and provide those jobs here in America.” ~ US Dept of Labor Secretary SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The public community and technical college system in ...

Top 8 Mistakes You're Making with Your Fintech Project

As the key stakeholder, you have decided to outsource your company's next software development project. Who are you going to trust to further your digital roadmap? How can you ensure you’re choosing ...

Spring 2019 note from our co-founder

Article written by Lee Farabaugh, a co-founder at Core10. Spring is in the air in America's heartland, and when we're not sneezing, we're enjoying the fresh new growth nature is offering. There has ...

Meet Tannor Franks

As an original hire in the Martin, TN Hereshore® office, Tannor Franks is an integral member of the Core10 team. He has an electrical engineering degree from the University of Tennessee at Martin and ...