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Industry news and know-how.

Agile mindset in a Waterfall world: Construction project

I managed a project to renovate a data center that had been built in the 1960s when mainframes, which require little power and produce very little heat, were the primary occupants. The building ...

An Open Invitation to India Amos

On March 7, India Amos published an opinion piece in the Washington Post entitled "I want to return to my home state. But West Virginia doesn’t want me." She explained that, with a liberal arts ...

Agile mindset in a Waterfall world: Customer collaboration

When things still don’t go as planned, how do you respond? Do you fall back on the documentation and blame the customer? Do you blame the developer for incorrectly estimating how long the task will ...

The 3 Essential Elements of an Ideal Core10 Team Player

I recently sat down with Core10's Director of Talent and Organizational Development, Renata Ribeiro, to learn what makes her tick and what the key elements are for ideal team players. Lee Farabaugh: ...

Agile mindset in a Waterfall world: Governance and responding to change

The governance that often comes with a traditional waterfall project management environment can reduce opportunity for critical thought and personal accountability. Project Managers are often held to ...

We believe in #ImpactWV

Core10 is proud to support the GenerationWV Impact Fellowship, now for the second year running. Last year, in its inaugural year, Core10 agreed to host two fellows, one in software development and ...